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( Charity Number SC 024891 )

Barries's Birthplace

House of Dun

Barry Mill

The Angus Members' Centre is run by members for members. We are a local group of like minded people who come together to share interests and support the National Trust for Scotland. We organise assorted activities throughout the year. Some, such as talks and visits to Trust properties or other venues, are more social occasions for us to meet and find out more about the Trust in Scotland and some, such as coffee mornings, concerts, and plant sales, raise funds for the Trust. The Angus Members' Centre of the National Trust for Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity (Charity Number SC024891) and all monies raised from events organised by the Members' Centre go towards National Trust for Scotland projects both locally and nationally. We have supported a number of different projects over the past years.

All afternoon talks are held in the Guide Hall, Myre car park, Forfar at 2.30pm. Talks are open to everyone, not just members. The admission charge of £4 includes light refreshments after the meeting.

Aims of the Angus Members' Centre :-

  1. To act as a local Committee to promote interest in, and support for, The National Trust for Scotland throughout Angus.
  2. To enrol new members and raise funds for The National Trust for Scotland.
  3. To encourage participation in the work of The National Trust for Scotland.

We send out a comprehensive Newsletter four times a year keeping members informed about the Centre's activities and other matters of interest. A programme of the events organised by the Members' Centre is published annually and is automatically sent to all our members ( see below for current programme).

The Angus Members' Centre is open to all members of The National Trust for Scotland (and the National Trust), however there is a small annual membership subscription to cover administration costs (this is currently £6 per person/£10 per couple).

If you are not already a member of the Angus Members' Centre, please consider joining. Our fund raising events are open to everyone and we would be delighted to meet you and your friends.

For further information contact the Membership Secretary on 01674 676783 or e-mail amcnts@tiscali.co.uk.

Programme January to October 2025

Thursday, 9th January 2025, 2:30pm
Afternoon talk, "The extraordinary friendship between JM Barrie and The Captain Scott" by Sandra Affleck.>br />At the Guide Hall, Myre Car Park, Forfar, DD8 1AZ.
Thursday, 6th February 2025, 2:30pm
Afternoon talk, "The Craigievar Castle Project" by James Henderson, National Trust for Scotland Operations Manager, Greater Aberdeen Area.
At the Guide Hall, Myre Car Park, Forfar, DD8 1AZ.
Sunday, 16th February 2025, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Angus Members' Centre Snowdrop Sale at House of Dun.
Thursday, 6th March 2025, 2:30pm
Afternoon talk (title to be confirmed) by Debbie Banks of the Environmental Investigations Agency (EIA). Debbie is the leader of EIA UK's Tigers and Wildlife Crime Campaign.
At the Guide Hall, Myre Car Park, Forfar, DD8 1AZ.
Saturday, 1st March 2025, 10am to 12 noon (to be confirmed)
Coffee Morning in The Glens and Kirriemuir United Parish Church Hall, Kirriemuir
Sunday, 18th May 2025, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Angus Members' Centre Spring Plant Sale at House of Dun.
Come along and replace any plants you may have lost over the winter at bargain prices. There should be a wide selection of perennials, grasses, shrubs, rockery plants, etc. grown by the Members' Centre gardeners, but come early for the best selection.
If you unable to come along for the plant sale, the Members' Centre volunteers stock the plant stall in the House of Dun courtyard on a regular basis, as plants become available.
Friday, 22nd August 2025, 7pm
Summer Concert in St. John's Church, Forfar.
Sunday, 21st September 2025, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Angus Members' Centre Autumn Plant Sale at House of Dun.
There should be a wide selection of perennials, shrubs, fruit bushes, etc. as well as produce grown by the Members' Centre gardeners and other volunteers.
Why not come along and make an afternoon of it. The House, Courtyard and Cafe will be open and the gardens and grounds are well worth a visit.
If you unable to come along for the plant sale, the Members' Centre volunteers stock the plant stall in the House of Dun courtyard on a regular basis, as plants become available.
Thursday, 2nd October 2025, 2:15pm
AGM, followed by guest speaker at the Guide Hall, Myre Car Park, Forfar, DD8 1AZ.

The Angus Members' Centre of the National Trust for Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity Number SC024891.

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