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NTS Centres Home Page > > Friends of Crarae

( Charity Number SC 033244 )

The Friends of Crarae organise Volunteer Garden Crews as well as managing the membership, online and social media marketing of the gardens.

Volunteers meet every Thursday morning 08:45 to 12:30 and work alongside the NTS Garden team on gardening projects within the Gardens. It is a great way of getting out and about, learning new skills, keeping fit and socialising. The core team is out in all weathers, but we also welcome those who can only join us on occasion.

E-mail contact@friendsofcrarae.com for details on how to join the work crew.
Bring your own snacks and a flask as work can be remote from the visitor centre cafe. Although a coffee and rest after the shift is often called for!

If you can't join us in person, please join us in spirit and follow the crews antics via their blog ( www.friendsofcrarae.com/volunteer-crew-a-blog/ ) and on Twitter ( @friendsofcrarae ) and Instagram ( @thefriendsofcrarae ).

Please visit the "What's New" section of our website at www.friendsofcrarae.com to find details of upcoming events. .