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Friends of Geilston ( FoG ) is a group formed to promote, protect and preserve the presence of Geilston Gardens, House and Estate in Cardross, Argyll & Bute to benefit the local community and beyond.

The Friends came into existence because the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) took the decision in 2016 to review its ownership of Geilston House and Gardens.

When it became apparent that Geilston Gardens might close, volunteers who had helped to run the garden, set up "The Friends of Geilston", and launched an appeal to keep the garden open. Numbers grew quickly and FoG soon had over 500 signed up members whose aim was; to promote, protect and preserve Geilston Gardens, House and Estate for future generations.

On realising the strength of feeling, the NTS executive agreed to set up a working group which would include the Friends of Geilston. They would commission and pay for an economic assessment which would advise on the options available to the NTS. They also agreed to keep the garden open and use the interest from Miss Hendry's endowment until a decision was reached about the garden's future by the NTS Trustees and executive.

The possibility of closure and sale remains. The Friends of Geilston are committed to campaigning for the gardens continued ownership by the NTS and that it remains accessible to NTS members and the wider public. We are also committed to ongoing support of the garden into the future and look forward to the day when our energy and resources can be used to "Grow Geilston Garden" rather than fight against their closure.

Friends of Geilston publish regular newsletters which include updates on the current status of the gardens. The latest newsletter can be found by following this link Latest Newsletter.

Chris Moore,
Secretary, Friends of Geilston

For further details visit the Friends of Geilston website.